Pacific’s MPAS Degree is the gateway to a rewarding PA career.

医师助理(PAs)是获得医师合作许可的医疗保健专业人员. Our program offers a comprehensive curriculum, diverse interprofessional educational experiences, integration of innovative educational modalities, advanced technical skill instruction, and specialty elective tracks. 太平洋PA校友准备与医生和其他医疗团队成员合作实践.

High PANCE pass rates

Elective clinical rotations and specialty tracks

Advanced clinical skills and procedure training

Start your path to PA practice at Pacific

成为一名私人助理的道路始于参加并从ARC-PA认证的医师助理课程毕业. 健康科学学院提供医师助理研究硕士(MPAS)的高素质申请者寻求行医作为医师助理. 正规博彩十大网站PA课程的毕业生继续参加PANCE(医师助理国家认证考试)并获得州执照(要求因州而异)。. 加入我们不断增长的校友网络,他们在全国21个州执业. 一定要看到我们的校友聚光灯,亲眼看到和听到是什么让正规博彩十大网站成为一个学习医学的好地方.

PA white coat ceremony students
More elective rotations, more clinical possibilities
Why choose PA Studies at Pacific?

该计划的临床课程包括三个提供各种教育机会的选修轮转. 衔接课程允许学生将经验集中在一个专业上. 远程选修课促进远程医疗和私人助理诊所外的实践知识. 丰富的选修课加强了知识的不足,并允许专业探索.

Medical Spanish

According to US Census data (2015), 超过25%的加州人说西班牙语,近一半说西班牙语的人几乎不会说英语. Education in medical spanish meets a need in our communities. 医学西班牙语是临床技能课程系列的必修课程组成部分. 通过标准化的患者互动和农村临床轮岗安排来加强技能. 

High-tech learning

  • Hi-fidelity simulation provide ‘real world’ preparation
  • 点护理超声(POCUS)整合从解剖到诊断成像
  • 实践技能培训师在低风险和高风险环境中培养基本和高级技能熟练程度

Preparation starts on day one

  • Curriculum based on the PANCE topic blueprint
  • 考试题目形式和分配时间(每题1分钟)等同于PANCE 
  • PANCE preparatory courses provided
  • Nationally standardized assessment usage
  • Licensure process guidance
  • Resume writing and interview skills training

Sacramento Campus Tour

Alumni Spotlight
Pacific PA grad on frontlines of pandemic fight

Tatiana Mudrenko ’19, cross-trained for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly lost her father to the virus.

Tatiana Mudrenko
Take the next step

We take a hands on approach with our students. 这意味着我们希望在您的发现和申请过程中了解您. Help us connect with you by taking the next step. 

Non-Discrimination Disclosure

该计划是一个机会均等的高等教育机构,并坚定地致力于在提供教育服务和就业实践中不歧视. In compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, such decisions will be made irrespective of the individual's race, color, religion, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, age (except for minors), sex, marital status, citizenship status, military service status, sexual orientation, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic condition), disability and/or any other status protected by law. For further information, please see the University’s policy.

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